The UIActivityViewController class is a standard view controller that you can use to offer various services from your application. The system provides several standard services, such as copying items to the pasteboard, posting content to social media sites, sending items via email or SMS, and more. Apps can also define custom services.
Month: October 2012
ObjectiveC – Power of “AT Sign” aka “@”
The at sign @ is also commonly called the at symbol or commercial at in English—and less commonly a wide range of other terms.
he fact that there is no single word in English for the symbol has prompted some writers to use the French arobase or Spanish arroba—or to coin new words such as asperand, ampersat—but none of these have achieved wide currency.
[WP7] The Last Two – for Windows Phone
The Last Two
Sei proprio sicuro di conoscere tutte le parole della lingua italiana?
[Objective-C] Change default status bar content
Power of screenshot!!
Simply, make a screenshot of your app and render the frame f your captured image, adding the UI components that you want.
Very easy.