Debug (and control) your Robotic Arm with iOS

This is my work in progress ~50cm Robotic Arm with 6 AXIS Servo motors, an Arduino and a RaspberryPi (for image recognition in phase 2):

Arduino Robotic Arm 6AXIS iOS controlled

While writing the C++ code in Arduino I found I needed a way to send easily and fast commands to Arduino with my iPhone using Bluetooth.

Basically I need to control my robotic arm using an external device instead of running and running again the code on the Arduino board.

For this reason: I’ve attached a BLE board to Arduino and I have created a simple app (completely written in SwiftUI 😍😎) that use BLE connection to connect to Arduino BLE board and send string commands that are parsed and executed.

Commands sended are like:

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Swift – Push UIView animation

Simple code snippet today that show how to push a UIView and obtain the same effect of a UINavigationController as push action, choosing also the side (.fromLeft / .fromRight).

We can do this using the CATransitionanimations. Very simple:

func push( view: UIView, side: CATransitionSubtype = .fromRight ) {
    let transition = CATransition()
    transition.type = CATransitionType.push
    transition.subtype = side

    self.layer.add(transition, forKey: nil)

Enjoy pushing!


Swift – Get app keyWindow

Quick memo to get the keyWindow for all iOS versions until now.

KeyWindow is the “key” window of your entire application. The key window receives keyboard and other non-touch related events. Only one window at a time may be the key window.

Use the #available(iOS 13.0, *) keyword to bypass system check:

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