[Objective-C] Add @property to a category

Today i needed to add an Integer property to my custom category.
In detail, i need to add the tag property to the UISwipeGestureRecognizer that don’t have it.

How to?
Create your category, with all the properties that you want.
In the category’s implementation you can’t use @syntetize but you need @dynamicto create your custom getter/setter.

Remember to add in your imports runtime.h

[code lang=”java” autolinks=”false” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false”]#import

@interface UISwipeGestureRecognizer (Extras)
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger tag;

static char const * const Key = "oKey";

@implementation UISwipeGestureRecognizer (Extras)
@dynamic tag;

– (void) setTag:(NSInteger)tag
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, Key, (id)tag, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN);

– (NSInteger)tag
return (NSInteger)objc_getAssociatedObject(self, Key);


You can also specify the association policy based on your property:
Associative Object Behaviors

[code lang=”java” autolinks=”false” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false”]enum {
OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN           = 01401,
OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY             = 01403

    Specifies a weak reference to the associated object.
    Specifies a strong reference to the associated object, and that the association is not made atomically.
    Specifies that the associated object is copied, and that the association is not made atomically.
    Specifies a strong reference to the associated object, and that the association is made atomically.
    Specifies that the associated object is copied, and that the association is made atomically.

that’s all.

Now you can use tag property in UISwipeGestureRecognizer:

[code lang=”java” autolinks=”false” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false”]{
_LSwipe = [[UISwipeGestureRecognizer alloc]
initWithTarget:self action:@selector(SwipeRecognized:)];_LSwipe.tag = _Btn.tag;  // your new tag property
[_MyView addGestureRecognizer:_LSwipe];

You can read more at Apple doc



Alberto Pasca

Software engineer @ Pirelli & C. S.p.A. with a strong passion for mobile  development, security, and connected things.