I’ve prepared a simple class that write logs on device disk.
This is very useful, because you can send and receive logs from apps, crashlog, backtrace and debug informations.
[Objc] Get iOS device color
A simple trick, using private API to get the device COVER color!
[Objc] Fingerprint authentication
A simple tutorial that how to use Apple fingerprint authentication in your iOS8apps on iPhone 5S and plus.
[Objc] Change App language
Hi all,
today a simple trick to change the app language, without change phone language.
[Objc] UIDynamicAnimator with CMMotionManager
Today a funny article that use both UIDynamicAnimator and CMMotionManager!
ObjectiveC – Get device color
A simple trick, using private API to get the device COVER color!
You cannot use this in App Store, but you can play with private API:
NSBundle *b = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:@"/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FTServices.framework"];
BOOL success = [b load];
Class FTDeviceSupport = NSClassFromString(@"FTDeviceSupport");
id si = [FTDeviceSupport valueForKey:@"sharedInstance"];
NSLog(@"-- %@", [si valueForKey:@"deviceColor"]);}
And output:
TestJW[19775:2776384] -- #3b3b3c
That responds to this one: http://www.color-hex.com/color/3b3b3c
And… yes, my iPhone is dark gray!
Objective-C: Change controller on application background
Yes, you can!
Now you are able to change the snapshot of your app while is in background!
An example here:
Read More[Swift] Swift Koan – Unit test
A framework and lessons to learn Swift syntax and idioms in a logical sequence.
Original github project here: https://github.com/elpsk/Swift-Koan. Stay tuned for updates.
[Objc] User defined runtime attributes
User defined runtime attributes are the hidden gem of Xcode’s Interface Builder. Available since Xcode 4 and iOS 5, they provide the ability to configure properties of a view that you would otherwise be unable to configure in Interface Builder.
[Xcode] – Introduction to Auto Layout
Editor’s note: If you’ve downloaded the Xcode 6 beta and played around with it, one thing you may notice is the change of Interface Builder. The default view controller is now wider and doesn’t look like an iPhone 5. When you position a button in the center of the view and run the app, it doesn’t look good. The button is not centered properly.