Maverick & multiple displays

This is the best feature on the new OSX, Maverick (10.9)!

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[Objc] UIAlertView and blocks

A simple UIAlertView category to show an alert view in a simple and more readable way!

Like this:

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Objective-C – UIStoryboard segue custom transition

UIStoryboardSegue object is responsible for performing the visual transition between two view controllers. In addition, segue objects are used to prepare for the transition from one view controller to another. Segue objects contain information about the view controllers involved in a transition. When a segue is triggered, but before the visual transition occurs, the storyboard runtime calls the current view controller’s prepareForSegue:sender: method so that it can pass any needed data to the view controller that is about to be displayed.

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0x8BADF00D and others crashes

From Wikipedia:

A crash (or system crash) in computing is an event in which a computer or a program (such as a software application or an operating system) ceases to function properly, often exiting after encountering errors. The program responsible may appear to freeze or hang until a crash reporting service documents details of the crash. If the program is a critical part of the operating system kernel, the entire computer may crash, often resulting in a fatal system error. […]

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[Arduino] – Motion night lamp

Last night i destroyed everything in my kitchen to not turn on the light, and after that i decide to make this stupid motion night lamp.

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[Objective-C] Recognize letter pressed on UILabel

You have an UILabel and want to know which letter was pressed on touch.

From a question on stackoverflow, I’ve implemented in this fast and stupid way.


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iOS – Hide apps on springboard

This is a trick to make an app invisible on Springboard.

Open your application .PLIST and add these lines:


Build and Run!

Note that your app is hidden from recents and springboard!

have fun.


Objectivec – 3D View Rotation

Today, how to make a 3d rotation using two UIView.


I want to rotate my view in 3d perspective, but after animation, buttons not responds to touch events.
This happens because after a 3d trasform, the point of view is different, and the frame go out for a walk…

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Xcode – power of breakpoints

A collection of useful Xcode debugging technique, using Breakpoints and LLDBdebugger.

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TV B Gone kit

What is?

TV-B-Gone is a ‘universal’ remote control device, it is basically like a remote control but with only the “Power” button.

“You can use TV-B-Gone® to control access to television for philosophical or practical reasons, or simply to have fun!“
—Mitch Altman, Inventor of TV-B-Gone®

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