Swift – UIView gradient extension

Sometimes can be useful to add a gradient on a UIView. This simple UIView extension helps you “coloryze” your screen.

Let see how to use and how is implemented.

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iOS – Data Leakage: App background cache

Today I want to share a simple way to retrieve user data from a native iOS cache image, automatically generated when your app goes in background.

You can retrieve this kind of informations if your phone was lost or Jailbreaked or connecting it to your pc and open an old backup. You can use tools like iBackup Viewer and more…

Let’s see how it works!

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Python – Draw “complex” shapes in Photoshop

Today a funny trick using Python that allow you to control the mouse movements (move, click, drag, recognize RGB and much more…).

Configure the environment

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Swift – Push UIView animation

Simple code snippet today that show how to push a UIView and obtain the same effect of a UINavigationController as push action, choosing also the side (.fromLeft / .fromRight).

We can do this using the CATransitionanimations. Very simple:

func push( view: UIView, side: CATransitionSubtype = .fromRight ) {
    let transition = CATransition()
    transition.type = CATransitionType.push
    transition.subtype = side

    self.layer.add(transition, forKey: nil)

Enjoy pushing!


Swift – Get app keyWindow

Quick memo to get the keyWindow for all iOS versions until now.

KeyWindow is the “key” window of your entire application. The key window receives keyboard and other non-touch related events. Only one window at a time may be the key window.

Use the #available(iOS 13.0, *) keyword to bypass system check:

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Swift – FlatUI color palette cocoapod library

As personal utility I’ve created a new FlatUIColor Cocoapod framework.

Consist of a simple UIColor extension with a customized set of my favorite flat colors that I use very often.

To integrate in your project, simply add this line in your Podfile:

pod 'FlatUIColors', :git => 'https://github.com/elpsk/FlatUIColors.git'

Install pods from terminal: $ pod install and open your project $ xed .

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Remove alpha channel from png images

Every time you upload a screenshot on the App Store for a new app submission, you receive from Apple this error message:

“Images can’t contain alpha channels or transparencies.”

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Send data between Apple devices (iPhone/iPad/macOS) using Multipeer Connectivity

Today I want to introduce an Apple framework, called Multipeer Connectivity.

“The Multipeer Connectivity framework supports the discovery of services provided by nearby devices and supports communicating with those services through message-based data, streaming data, and resources (such as files). In iOS, the framework uses infrastructure Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks for the underlying transport. In macOS and tvOS, it uses infrastructure Wi-Fi, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Ethernet.”

Reference here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/multipeerconnectivity

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Swift – Useful NotificationName extension

Very often you should use a notification name in your code and every time you miss something, you write the wrong name and so on…

I want to simplify the coding like, so I use this solution. Easy and simple for me and I want to share:

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macOS – App Icon Maker free utility

I want to introduce you to the new “App Icon Maker“, a simple and free utility for macOS that helps you to convert the images in the 3 Apple formats, @1x, @2x, and @3x.

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