Swift – Custom Operators

This is an argument that I like a lot, the possibility to create or to override an operator changing its functionality.

SImilar to C++ Operator Overloading (https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/operators) but in Swift.

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URL shortener 2.0


Swift – Natural language recognizer


with iOS 12, Apple released a new framework for language recognition and other interesting stuff. Is called NLLanguageRecognizer.

Use the Natural Language framework to perform tasks like language and script identification, tokenization, lemmatization, parts-of-speech tagging, and named entity recognition. You can also use this framework with Create ML to train and deploy custom natural language models.

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Docker container ls


Swift – Access list items from Struct, Class and Enum using Subscript

Classes, structures, and enumerations can define subscripts, which are shortcuts for accessing the member elements of a collection, list, or sequence. You use subscripts to set and retrieve values by index without needing separate methods for setting and retrieval. For example, you access elements in an Array instance as someArray[index]and elements in a Dictionary instance as someDictionary[key].

You can define multiple subscripts for a single type, and the appropriate subscript overload to use is selected based on the type of index value you pass to the subscript. Subscripts are not limited to a single dimension, and you can define subscripts with multiple input parameters to suit your custom type’s needs.

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Explain deadlock


Swift – Chaining methods

Very often in Swift, you can see various methods called one each other and linked by a dot “.”.

These methods are called chained methods. Probably using Alamofire you already have seen this behaviour:

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Swift | macOS – How to make cool desktop apps using Cocoa

So, what I want to share today is how to make windows with cool UI in a macOS application written in Cocoa/Swift.

This an example of what you see when create a new project from scratch in XCode and run it:

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An engineer helping a designer


Swift – Use generics [T] with closures

Let’s make an example to understand better the scope of this tutorial.

You want to:

  • increment all numbers in array by 1
  • double all numbers in array
  • check if the numbers in array are even or odd
  • multiply all numbers in array
  • more and more…

How many functions should you create to do this?

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