As you know, when implement push notifications on iOS Application and run the app on simulator, you’ll receive this classic error in console:
Remote notifications are not supported in the simulator
But is really true?
Answer to the question above:
Create a payload
Just for example use this simple payload or create a new one:
"aps": {
"alert": {
"title": "Ciao Ciccio",
"body": "Let's push on macOS! 🎉",
"sound": "default"
"badge": 999
"Simulator Target Bundle": "com.yourapp.bundle"
Remember to use the “Simulator Target Bundle” key with the bundle id of your app.
Send push
Now you have two ways to push locally:
- BEGINNER: Run your app (on simulator) and drag this payload.json directly on simulator: magic is done, a push notifications (with all the callbacks called) is shown on screen.
- PRO: Open terminal and use the “xcrun simctl push” command with the following parameters:
xcrun simctl push #deviceId# #path/payload.json#
Where #deviceId# is the id of your running simulator. (You can find it in the Xcode’s “Device & Simulators” window, right click on simulator -> Copy Identifier).
And last parameter is the payload file path.
[~/Desktop]$ xcrun simctl push XXXXXXX-XXXX[...]X payload.apns
Notification sent to 'com.yourapp.bundle'
Personally I prefer this second options. You can also use this script in a pipeline while running unit tests / UI tests.
Enjoy pushing!