As personal utility I’ve created a new FlatUIColor
Cocoapod framework.
Consist of a simple UIColor
extension with a customized set of my favorite flat colors that I use very often.
To integrate in your project, simply add this line in your Podfile
pod 'FlatUIColors', :git => ''
Install pods from terminal: $ pod install
and open your project $ xed .
How to use
In your AppDelegate.swift
, import the new Pod, “FlatUIColor
import FlatUIColors
From now, in all of your classes you can use the custom flat colors inside the pod like this:
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.flatOrange

Or you can also decide to select from the XCode color palette:

Example project
Project is also on Github (
You can find also an example demo project, some unit tests and the full code.
Example project show you randomly something like this:

Available colors:
static var flatAbsestor = UIColor(hex: "#7f8c8d")!
static var flatAlizarin = UIColor(hex: "#e74c3c")!
static var flatAmethist = UIColor(hex: "#9b59b6")!
static var flatBelizeHole = UIColor(hex: "#2980b9")!
static var flatBlueHorizon = UIColor(hex: "#4b6584")!
static var flatCarrot = UIColor(hex: "#e67e22")!
static var flatClouds = UIColor(hex: "#ecf0f1")!
static var flatConcrete = UIColor(hex: "#95a5a6")!
static var flatEmerald = UIColor(hex: "#2ecc71")!
static var flatFieryFuchsia = UIColor(hex: "#B33771")!
static var flatFusionRed = UIColor(hex: "#ff5252")!
static var flatGreenSea = UIColor(hex: "#16a085")!
static var flatGreenland = UIColor(hex: "#22a6b3")!
static var flatHoneyGlow = UIColor(hex: "#EAB543")!
static var flatLotusPink = UIColor(hex: "#f368e0")!
static var flatMidnightBlue = UIColor(hex: "#2c3e50")!
static var flatNephritis = UIColor(hex: "#27ae60")!
static var flatOrange = UIColor(hex: "#f39c12")!
static var flatPeterRiver = UIColor(hex: "#3498db")!
static var flatPineGlade = UIColor(hex: "#BDC581")!
static var flatPomegranate = UIColor(hex: "#c0392b")!
static var flatPumkins = UIColor(hex: "#d35400")!
static var flatPureApple = UIColor(hex: "#6ab04c")!
static var flatReptileGreen = UIColor(hex: "#26de81")!
static var flatRoyalBlue = UIColor(hex: "#3867d6")!
static var flatSilver = UIColor(hex: "#bdc3c7")!
static var flatSoaringEagle = UIColor(hex: "#95afc0")!
static var flatSunFlower = UIColor(hex: "#f1c40f")!
static var flatTurquoise = UIColor(hex: "#1abc9c")!
static var flatWetAsphalt = UIColor(hex: "#34495e")!
static var flatWishteria = UIColor(hex: "#8e44ad")!
Enjoy coloring.