A trick to get size and apply resize or other effects on your view.
Set your UIWebView delegate and create finishLoad method.
After that, using javascript, get document.height of your view and do what you want.
A trick to get size and apply resize or other effects on your view.
Set your UIWebView delegate and create finishLoad method.
After that, using javascript, get document.height of your view and do what you want.
A beautiful tricks to add simple images on every place you want using UNICODE characters!
Have you never tried this code?
ICANN decided to implement a new class of top-level domains, assignable to countries and independent regions.
the domain names may be any desirable string of characters, symbols, or glyphs in the language-specific, non-Latin alphabet or script of the applicant’s language, within certain guidelines to assure sufficient visual uniqueness.
From Apple Q&A QA1405, an easy way to call a method with variable parameters nil-terminated,
[code lang=”java” autolinks=”false” collapse=”false” firstline=”1″ gutter=”true” htmlscript=”false” light=”false” padlinenumbers=”false” smarttabs=”true” tabsize=”4″ toolbar=”false”][NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects…, nil][/code]
You want to remove the whitespaces at the end of the rows in your code?
You want to remove the whitespaces at the end of the rows in your code?
Push CMD+SHIFT+F to open global search, select from the Icon “Show find options” and select “Regular Expression“:
[ \t]+$
Here the result:
enjoy cleaning!
A simple way to show in your project a view that is ever modal (with opacity view on background), like the UIAlertView, in fact it is UIAlertView that we use, subclassing it!
Using private Framework, in particular SoftwareUpdateServices.frameworkyou can distinguish between carrier network, in particular, if your connection is 3G or GPRS/EDGE, or WiFi.
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