A test with servo and wifi/serial communication.
It’s a C#.net utility that send data over serial port or over wifi and move a servo connected to arduino.
A test with servo and wifi/serial communication.
It’s a C#.net utility that send data over serial port or over wifi and move a servo connected to arduino.
I prefer to use the Visual Studio 2008 environment to write and test code for the Arduino. The following steps outline what is necessary to accomplish this.
Easy way,
an RGB led with random colors that light on when light is off connected to Arduino Uno!
Hi all!!
Today i show how is possible to connect iPhone to Arduino without any Wifi or Ethernet shields!
Here the app that controls 4 leds (green yellow, red and orange), a DC motor with a fan, a piezo speacker and the room temperature with LM32 sensor!
Part one, Ping-Pong NET vibration sensor using a simple piezo!
Arduino.cc reference of the KnockSensor if needed.
Hi all,
a promemoria to MERGE Device + Simulator libraries in a “fat” lib with XCODE.
Hi all,
simple way to control the speed of a DC Motor!
A TV Remote Control that controls my LED or something else…!!!
For personal test, i made a simple app that connect to COM port and GET/RECEIVE data from Arduino connected.
You can download from here: Arduino_Connector_1.0
Enjoy tech!
Rif: albertopasca.it
Hi all,
as my first experiment, an arduino connected to COM9 to recognize incoming mails from google mail (gmail)!!