Lots of people receive daily email, often an answer or a task must be completed URGENT, ASAP or EOD, etc…
These keywords sometimes generate anxiety or destroy daily mood.
Common examples:
- I need your spreadsheet ASAP
- URGENT: Have you voted yet?
- RSVP: Need your answer by EOD
Today I want to present a funny Google-Chrome plugin to change the priority of your emails!
How it works?
It read (in a completely anonymous way and without tracking anything) the DOM of a web page and when encounter one of these words, replace it a funny one (or the opposite):
- Urgent -> Trivial
- Important -> Irrelevant
- ASAP -> next week
- EOD -> next week
- RSVP -> RWYW (respond when you want)
How to use?
Open Chrome browser, download the package from github:
-> https://github.com/elpsk/Priority-Changer
Open Chrome Extensions and select “Load unpacked extension” and load the unpacked project.
On your Chrome bar you should see an icon like this:
How to test it?
Reload this page and all the words mentioned now are different!
Have fun and relax.