Swift – Simple full screen loader


resuming an old post, that help you to create an UIAlert extension to show a modal popup, https://www.albertopasca.it/whiletrue/objective-c-modal-view-in-navigation-and-tabbar-controller-projects/ , I’ve created a new modern implementation that use UIWindow.

The scope is to show a spinner (or a Lottie spinner, or whatever you prefer), centered in the screen with automatic or manually dismission. Background can be blurred or colored, like this screen:

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iOS – Secure app sensitive information

Today I want to share a fresh new Swift Package SDK that helps you to hide sensitive informations on your app, like banking apps, in a easy way!

You’ll be notified via callback (optional) when a defined rule occur, and apply the right custom protection you prefer or simply use the integrated blur that cover your app automatically.

Available protections

While writing this post, the SDK provide these protections callbacks:

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