TV B Gone kit

What is?

TV-B-Gone is a ‘universal’ remote control device, it is basically like a remote control but with only the “Power” button.

“You can use TV-B-Gone® to control access to television for philosophical or practical reasons, or simply to have fun!“
—Mitch Altman, Inventor of TV-B-Gone®

How it works?

When you push the button on your TV-B-Gone remote control, it turns itself on, and then sends out a sequence of POWER codes for every television in its database. Each POWER code takes time to emit. The result is that it takes about 69 seconds to emit POWER codes for all tv in its database (that’s for the North American & Asian model – the European model takes 62 seconds). After it emits each of the POWER codes, it turns itself off.


Yesterday i assembled the kit, soldering everything on the board.



If you want to make it manually, this is the scheme (and the components list:, otherwise, you can buy a new one (

TV B Gone schema


This is the board completed!
It works also with the air-conditioning in my room! 🙂 Very funny!


Have fun and switch off everything around you!


Alberto Pasca

Software engineer @ Pirelli & C. S.p.A. with a strong passion for mobile  development, security, and connected things.